The Life Settlement Blog

Everything You Should Know About Life Policy Evaluations

(1 Minute Read) In today’s market, life insurance is becoming recognized as a “buy and manage” asset, not a “buy and hold” asset as it has traditionally been perceived. A life settlement is one way advisors can help policy holders

How Do I Retire With an Illness?

(2 Minute Read) If you’ve been living with a long-term illness like multiple sclerosis or have a high instance of Alzheimer’s in your family tree, planning for retirement is an even higher hurdle to jump. While no one can anticipate

Having Fun on a Retiree’s Budget

(2 Minute Read) Remember what it was like to be on an allowance as a child? A couple of dollars a month, if you were lucky. How did you ever stretch that to do the things you wanted to do?

Moving Across The World as a Senior

(3 Minute Read) Have you always dreamed of traveling, but never had the time? Have you wanted to live in Barcelona, Paris, or Venice but never thought you really could? In retirement, you can. Many seniors spend their golden years

Five Things You Didn’t Know About Retirement Communities

(3 Minute Read) Retirement communities often get a bad rap—and that’s usually because they get wrongfully lumped into assisted care facilities. Retirement communities are actually just communities where senior citizens (who sometimes share something in common) move to live out

Is a Life Settlement Right for Your Client?

(2 Minute Read) As life settlements continue to become more accepted as a viable alternative for seniors with life insurance policies, more trusted advisors are looking into them as options for their clients. One of the first things they ask

How to Become a Snowbird

(2 Minute Read) Retirement is all about living a life that you want for yourself without a career getting in the way. Now that you’re retired—or coming up to retirement—it’s time to think about all the things that you want

Planned Giving: What Is It and Why Do It?

(1 Minute Read) Throughout your life, you may discover certain organizations or charities that hold meaning to you and that you contribute to regularly. You may know that you can continue to support these organizations even after you pass through

Making Do When Adult Children Live Far Away

(2 Minute Read) For many, retirement is the perfect time to spend with family, especially your children and grandchildren. However, if your kids have left the nest and moved far away, even across the country, visiting them can become a

Retirement Communities: What to Look for and How to Pay

(2 Minute Read) Deciding to move into a retirement community is a big decision on its own, but then narrowing down your options and choosing which one to move into is even more difficult. There’s a lot to consider: what